The Senate Judiciary Committee heard Sen. Buchanan’s SB 568 adding a Tippecanoe County superior court. Tippecanoe Superior Court Judge Randy Williams testified in favor of the bill. The bill passed 10-0 and was recommitted to Appropriations. Read the bill at: … [Read more...] about Tippecanoe County superior court
new judge
Clark County circuit court
The House Courts & Criminal Code Committee heard Rep. Goodin’s HB 1155 adding two judges to Clark County circuit court. The bill passed 10-0. Read the bill at: … [Read more...] about Clark County circuit court
Tippecanoe County superior court
The House Courts & Criminal Code Committee heard Rep. Negele’s HB 1173 creating a new Tippecanoe County superior court (No. 7). Tippecanoe Superior Court Judge Randy Williams testified in favor of the bill. The bill passed 11-0. Read the bill at: … [Read more...] about Tippecanoe County superior court