The House Courts and Criminal Code Committee heard SB 474, sponsored by Rep. Negele, on probation and parole for animal abusers. This bill defines "animal abuse offense" and "companion animal" and establishes as a mandatory condition of probation and parole that a person convicted of an animal abuse offense may not own, harbor, or train a companion animal. The Tippecanoe Prosecutor, … [Read more...] about Probation and parole for animal abusers
Probation and parole for animal abusers
The Senate Committee on Public Policy heard SB 474 authored by Sen. Alting on probation and parole restrictions for animal abusers. The bill mandates the parole board as a condition of parole, and the court as a condition of probation or parole, to prohibit a person convicted of animal abuse from owning, harboring, or training a companion animal. It also defines "animal abuse … [Read more...] about Probation and parole for animal abusers
Sentencing after probation revocation
The Senate Committee on Corrections and Criminal Law heard Sen. Head’s SB 319 on sentencing after probation revocation removing the statutory provision requiring the commission of a new criminal offense from the probation revocation statute concerning Level 6 offenses. The bill was amended by consent to clarify that a person must be charged with a new offense to be eligible for c … [Read more...] about Sentencing after probation revocation
The Senate Corrections and Criminal Law Committee heard SB 207 on probation conditions by Sen. M. Young. This bill provides that a court must require, as a condition of probation, that an offender against children not reside within 1,000 feet of a school, youth program center, or park. The bill passed 8-1. Read the bill at: … [Read more...] about Probation
Home detention matters
H.E.A. 1034, P.L. 21 Effective: July 1, 2018 Eliminates the requirement that a period of home detention ordered as a condition of probation must be at least 60 days. Allows a court to approve activities for an offender that do not require the offender to be confined to the offender's home at all times. Provides that an offender must maintain a working telephone, cellular telephone, … [Read more...] about Home detention matters