The House Courts and Criminal Code Committee heard SB 146 on sexual assault victims' rights sponsored by Reps. Schaibley and DeVon. The bill provides rights to sexual assault victims, including the right to speak with a sexual assault counselor before a forensic medical exam or during the course of an investigation, the collection of sexual assault forensic evidence, the analysis of … [Read more...] about Sexual assault victims' rights
sex offenses
Depositions of children
For amend and vote, the House Judiciary Committee heard SB 206 on depositions of children, sponsored by Reps. Torr and Schaibley. The bill defines "deposition" to include interviews, recorded statements, and depositions; creates certain procedures and protections in a deposition for a child less than 16 years of age who is the victim of a sex crime; and provides that the term … [Read more...] about Depositions of children
Statute of limitations
The House Courts and Criminal Code Committee heard SB 109 on statute of limitations sponsored by Reps. Steuerwald, Cherry, VanNatter, and Engleman. The bill provides that an otherwise barred offense may be commenced not later than five years from the earlier of the date on which: (1) the state first discovers DNA evidence sufficient to charge the offender; (2) the state first … [Read more...] about Statute of limitations
Statute of limitations
The Senate Corrections and Criminal Law Committee heard SB 109 on statute of limitations. The bill is authored by Sen. Crider and removes the statute of limitations for certain sex offenses that, under current law, must be charged before the victim reaches 31 years of age, and removes the statute of limitations for rape and child exploitation. The bill was amended by consent to … [Read more...] about Statute of limitations
Interviews and depositions of children
On January 16, 2020, the Senate Judiciary Committee heard SB 206 on interviews and depositions of children in sex offense cases. The bill, authored by Sen. Messmer, creates certain procedures and protections in a defense interview or a court ordered deposition for a child less than 16 years of age who is the victim of a sex crime. The bill also provides that the term "defense … [Read more...] about Interviews and depositions of children