The House Judiciary Committee heard HB 1605 on juvenile law matters, authored by Rep. McGuire. The law seeks to enhance child safety, ensure timely services, and clarify the roles and rights of involved parties in legal proceedings. On February 2nd, the committee heard testimony in support of the bill from Champions for Children, Firefly Children & Family Alliance, three … [Read more...] about Juvenile law matters
termination of parental rights
Family and juvenile law matters
H.E.A. 1369, P.L. 70 Effective: March 11, 2024 Read the bill at: … [Read more...] about Family and juvenile law matters
Children in need of services
The Senate Family and Children Services Committee heard HB 1310 authored by Rep. Lauer and sponsored by Sen. Walker and Sen. Johnson on children in need of services. The bill provides that: Champions for Children and a foster parent testified in support of the bill. The bill passed 8-0. Read the bill at: … [Read more...] about Children in need of services
Children in need of services
The House Family, Children and Human Affairs Committee heard HB 1310 authored by Rep. Lauer on children in need of services. The bill provides that if a child has been removed from the child’s parent for at least 12 of the most recent 22 months at the time of a periodic case review, the child’s case plan must include at least one intended permanent or long term arrangement for … [Read more...] about Children in need of services
Family and juvenile law matters
The House Judiciary Committee heard HB 1369 on family and juvenile matters authored by Rep. Julie McGuire. HB 1369 does the following: Rep. McGuire offered an amendment which defines the "act of rape" to include all forms of child molestation and sexual misconduct with a minor. The proposed amendment adds sexual misconduct with a minor as an offense that may be alleged in a … [Read more...] about Family and juvenile law matters