S.E.A. 183, P.L. 32
Effective: July 1, 2016
Amends the statute concerning criminal trespass to specify that a person commits criminal trespass if the person knowingly or intentionally enters or refuses to leave the real property of another person after having been prohibited from entering or asked to leave the real property by a law enforcement officer when the real property is: (1) vacant real property or a vacant structure (both as defined by the statute concerning the abatement of vacant structures and abandoned structures); or (2) designated by a municipality or county enforcement authority to be abandoned property or an abandoned structure. Provides that a person who knowingly or intentionally damages, defaces, or permanently removes an object from real property that is the subject of a mortgage foreclosure proceeding commits foreclosure mischief, a Class B misdemeanor. Increases the penalty to a Class A misdemeanor if the damage caused is between $750 and $50,000, and to a Level 6 felony if the damage caused is $50,000 or more. Establishes a defense if the damage, removal, or defacement was the result of repair, renovation, replacement, or maintenance performed in good faith.
The full law is available at: http://iga.in.gov/legislative/2016/bills/senate/183