S.E.A. 91, P.L. 3
Effective: July 1, 2018
Repeals, provisions applicable to adoptions finalized before January 1, 1994, that prohibit the release of identifying adoption information unless a consent to release the information is on file. Provides that, beginning July 1, 2018, identifying adoption information may be released unless a nonrelease form is on file, regardless of when the adoption was filed. (Under current law, this provision applies only to adoptions filed after December 31, 1993.) Replaces a nonrelease form with a contact preference form. Provides that a nonrelease form submitted before July 1, 2018, remains in effect unless the form lapses. The introduced version of this bill was prepared by the interim study committee on courts and the judiciary.
The full law is available at: http://iga.in.gov/legislative/2016/bills/senate/91