The Senate Corrections and Criminal Law Committee heard SB 324 on criminal penalties authored by Sen. Freeman. The bill, as amended, does the following: The Indianapolis Fraternal Order of Police, Indiana State Fraternal Order of Police, the Indiana Prosecuting Attorney Council, and the Indiana State Police testified in support of the bill. The Indiana Public Defender Council … [Read more...] about Criminal penalties
DCS technical changes and adoption subsidies
The Senate Family and Children Services Committee heard HB 1064 authored by Rep. DeVon and sponsored by Sen. Donato and Sen. Walker on DCS technical changes and adoption subsidies. The bill removes language regarding medical passports and relocates the definition of “foster youth” and defines “licensed kinship caregiver”. The bill requires if a child in foster care … [Read more...] about DCS technical changes and adoption subsidies
DCS technical changes and adoption subsidies
The House Family, Children & Human Affairs Committee heard HB 1064 on DCS technical changes and adoption subsidiesauthored by Rep. DeVon. The bill removes language regarding medical passports, relocates the definition of "foster youth" and defines "licensed kinship caregiver". The bill further provides that DCS shall not make an out-of-home placement if the person has been … [Read more...] about DCS technical changes and adoption subsidies
Guardians ad litem in adoption
The Senate Judiciary Committee heard SB 16 authored by Sen. Bohacek and Sen. Alting on guardians ad litem in adoption. This bill requires a court to appoint a guardian ad litem in an adoption proceeding if a parent of the child has an intellectual disability and is subject to a guardianship. The bill was amended by consent to establish a pilot guardian ad litem program … [Read more...] about Guardians ad litem in adoption
H.E.A. 1560, P.L. 89 Effective: July 1, 2023 Provides that certain consent to adoption may be withdrawn not later than 15 days after the consent to adoption is signed and that certain persons must file a motion to contest an adoption after receiving certain notice. (Current law allows 30 days to withdraw.) Allows a consent to adoption to be executed or acknowledged in … [Read more...] about Adoptions