The Senate Corrections and Criminal Law Committee heard SB 198 concerning domestic battery authored by Sen. Crider. The author explained that this bill is a recodification bill attempting to clean up the domestic violence statutes and make them more usable and does not substantively alter the domestic violence laws. It specifically removes the sentencing enhancement for battery … [Read more...] about Domestic battery
Department of Child Services matters
The Senate Family and Children Services Committee heard SB 305 on Department of Child Services matters authored by Sen. Head. This bill makes a child who is a victim of human trafficking a new CHINS category, and other CHINS changes. It also removes a requirement that a delinquent be removed from the home in order to have DCS pay for services in an informal adjustment, deletes … [Read more...] about Department of Child Services matters
Provision of geolocation information to law enforcement
The House Courts & Criminal Code Committee heard HB 1013 authored by Rep. Koch on the provision of geolocation information to law enforcement. The bill (1) requires electronic communication service providers, upon a law enforcement agency’s request and without a warrant, to provide geolocation information for a device to allow the agency to respond to emergencies involving risk o … [Read more...] about Provision of geolocation information to law enforcement
Substantive problems
The House Judiciary Committee heard HB 1035 authored by Rep. Washburne and Rep. Kersey on substantive problems in the Indiana Code. The bill resolves various non-technical conflicts and problems not suitable for resolution in the annual technical corrections bill. The bill passed 11-0. Read the bill at … [Read more...] about Substantive problems
Technical corrections
The House Judiciary Committee heard HB 1036 authored by Rep. Washburne and Rep. Kersey on technical corrections. The bill, prepared by the Code Revision Committee, revises incorrect statutory references, nonstandard tabulation and grammatical errors within the Indiana Code. The bill passed 11-0. Read the bill at … [Read more...] about Technical corrections