The House Roads and Transportation Committee heard HB 1087 authored by Rep. Soliday on the Bureau of Motor Vehicles omnibus bill. The bill was heard in committee last week and testimony from the BMV and Indiana Prosecuting Attorneys Council was taken, but held for amendment. Rep. Soliday presented a technical corrections amendment which was approved by the committee. The bi … [Read more...] about Bureau of Motor Vehicles omnibus bill
motor vehicle
DOC commitments and motorboat OWI
The Senate Committee on Corrections & Criminal Law heard SB 142 authored by Sen. R. Michael Young on DOC commitments and motorboat OWI. The bill (1) permits a person convicted of a Level 6 felony to be committed to the DOC if the person has received an enhanced sentence for being a habitual vehicular substance offender; and (2) requires an enhanced penalty for motorboat OWI if … [Read more...] about DOC commitments and motorboat OWI
Motor vehicle title fraud
The Senate Corrections and Criminal Law Committee heard SB 242 regarding motor vehicle title fraud authored by Sen. Young. This bill establishes the crime of motor vehicle title fraud, a level 6 felony. The bill is intended to rectify a gap in current law that allows an individual who is otherwise prohibited from registering a motor vehicle to form a business entity for the sole … [Read more...] about Motor vehicle title fraud