The House Judiciary Committee heard SB 98 sponsored by Rep. Steuerwald on specialized driving privileges. The bill provides that an individual's specialized driving privileges expire at the time the suspension of the individual's driving privileges is terminated if: (1) the underlying conviction, charge, adjudication, or determination that forms the basis of the suspension is … [Read more...] about Specialized driving privileges
motor vehicle
Operating while intoxicated
The House Courts and Criminal Code Committee heard SB 404 on operating while intoxicated, sponsored by Rep. Washburne. The bill removes the minimum age requirement for a person to be convicted of operating a vehicle while intoxicated causing death and specifies that the defense to certain operating while intoxicated offenses involving the use of a controlled substance only applies … [Read more...] about Operating while intoxicated
Office of Judicial Administration
The Senate Judiciary Committee heard SB 238 on the Office of Judicial Administration, authored by Sen. Bray. The bill does the following: changes all references to the Division of State Court Administration and the Judicial Center to the Office of Judicial administration changes all references to the executive director of the Division of State Court Administration and the … [Read more...] about Office of Judicial Administration
Impaired driving offenses
The Senate Corrections and Criminal Law Committee heard SB 404 on impaired driving offenses, authored by Sen. Koch. The bill does the following: changes the term "under" to "in accordance with" in certain statutes concerning defenses involving the use of valid prescriptions while operating a motor vehicle creates the offense of operating a vehicle while intoxicated causing … [Read more...] about Impaired driving offenses
Traffic amnesty program
The House Courts and Criminal Code Committee heard HB 1152 on traffic amnesty program authored by Rep. Shackleford. The bill permits an eligible individual to petition a circuit or superior court, in the same case number for the violation, for a reduction in the amount owed for unpaid traffic infraction judgments, costs, and fees and reinstatement fees for Title 9 offenses that … [Read more...] about Traffic amnesty program