The House Courts and Criminal Code Committee heard HB 1225 concerning failure to yield to emergency vehicles authored by Rep. McNamara. The bill provides for a Level 6 felony when a person fails to yield to an emergency vehicle and causes serious bodily injury or death to any person operating, occupying, or affiliated with the emergency vehicle. The committee discussed an a … [Read more...] about Failure to yield to emergency vehicles
new crime
Exploitation of dependents and endangered adults
The Senate Committee on Corrections and Criminal Code heard SB 249 authored by Sen. M. Young creating a new criminal offense for the exploitation of dependents and endangered adults. The bill provides a person commits exploitation of a dependent or an endangered adult if the person recklessly uses or exerts control over the personal services or property of an endangered adult. The … [Read more...] about Exploitation of dependents and endangered adults
Juvenile delinquents and firearms
The Senate Committee on Corrections and Criminal Law heard SB 16 authored by Sen. Bohacek regarding juvenile delinquents and firearms. This bill creates a new crime by prohibiting a person who has been adjudicated a delinquent child for committing an act while armed with a firearm that would be a serious violent felony if committed by an adult (serious delinquent) from possessing a … [Read more...] about Juvenile delinquents and firearms
S.E.A. 240, P.L. 66 Effective: July 1, 2019 Repeals and replaces in a new article the offense of: (1) possession, use, or manufacture of a weapon of mass destruction; (2) agricultural terrorism; (3) terroristic mischief; and (4) terroristic deception. Specifies that "terrorism" includes the unlawful threat or use of force to affect the conduct of a government. Makes providing … [Read more...] about Terrorism
Nonconsensual pornography
S.E.A. 243, P.L. 185 Effective: July 1, 2019 Defines "intimate image" and provides that a person who: (1) knows that an individual does not consent to the distribution of an intimate image of the individual; and (2) distributes the intimate image on the Internet; commits internet distribution of an intimate image, a Class A misdemeanor. Increases the penalty to a Level 6 felony for … [Read more...] about Nonconsensual pornography