The House Courts and Criminal Code Committee heard SB 23 on damage to a fire suppression system sponsored by Rep. Gore and Rep. Ledbetter. Author Sen. Becker introduced the bill explaining it increases the current penalty for criminal mischief, including damage to a fire suppression system in a penal or juvenile facility to a Level 5 felony. Amendment #5 was adopted by consent to … [Read more...] about Damage to a fire suppression system
new crime
Regulation of drones near correctional facilities
The House Courts and Criminal Code Committee heard SB 182 concerning regulation of drones near correctional facilities sponsored by Rep. Steuerwald. The author, Sen. Koch, explained the bill provides that the crime of trafficking with an inmate includes the use of an unmanned aerial vehicle (drone) to deliver contraband, and the crime of public safety remote aerial … [Read more...] about Regulation of drones near correctional facilities
Various elections matters
The Senate Corrections and Criminal Law Committee heard SB 170 on various election matters authored by Sen. Walker. The bill defines "election worker" and makes it a Level 6 felony to take certain actions: (1) for the purpose of influencing an election worker; (2) to obstruct or interfere with an election worker; or (3) that injure an election worker. The bill also provides an … [Read more...] about Various elections matters
Damage to a fire suppression system
The Senate Corrections and Criminal Law Committee heard SB 23 authored by Sens. Becker and Crider on damages to a fire suppression system. Sen. Becker testified that this bill is a direct result of inmates damaging sprinkler heads in the Vanderburgh County Jail resulting in significant expense and disruption to the facility's operation. Amendment #1, adopted by consent, increased … [Read more...] about Damage to a fire suppression system
Regulation of drones near correctional facilities
The Senate Corrections and Criminal Law Committee heard SB 182 on regulation of drones near correctional facilities authored by Sen. Koch. The bill provides that the crime of trafficking with an inmate includes the use of an unmanned aerial vehicle (drone) to deliver contraband, and that the crime of public safety remote aerial interference includes operation of a drone to … [Read more...] about Regulation of drones near correctional facilities