The Senate Committee on Corrections and Criminal Law heard HB 1225 concerning failure to yield to emergency vehicles sponsored by Sens. Messmer and Becker. The bill provides for a Level 6 felony when a person fails to yield to an emergency vehicle and causes serious bodily injury or death to any person operating, occupying, or affiliated with the emergency vehicle. The bill was … [Read more...] about Failure to yield to emergency vehicles
new crime
Exploitation of dependents and endangered adults
The House Courts and Criminal Code Committee heard SB 249 on exploitation of dependents and endangered adults sponsored by Reps. McNamara, Lehman, and Speedy. The bill amends the definitions under the current exploitation of a dependent or an endangered adult statute and provides that a person commits exploitation of a dependent or an endangered adult if the person recklessly uses … [Read more...] about Exploitation of dependents and endangered adults
Interfering with public safety
The Senate Corrections and Criminal Code Committee heard HB 1032 concerning Interfering with public safety sponsored by Sens. Rogers, Crider, Koch and Randolph. Sen. Rogers presented the bill which renames the offense of “interfering with law enforcement” to “interfering with public safety” and adds that a person commits this offense if they enter a marked off area after being denied … [Read more...] about Interfering with public safety
Criminal law issues
On January 21, 2020, the Senate Judiciary Committee heard SB 335 authored by Sen. Young and Sen. Brown regarding criminal law issues. The bill provides that, if certain criminal penalties are increased (or, in the case of an infraction, imposed) due to a prior conviction or infraction committed by a defendant, the new offense must have been committed not later than seven years from t … [Read more...] about Criminal law issues
Juvenile expungements and firearms matters
The House Courts and Criminal Code Committee heard HB 1159 concerning juvenile expungements and firearm matters authored by Rep. Schaibley. The bill would require juvenile courts to transmit information to Office of Judicial Administration for transmission to NICS upon finding of a delinquent act that would be a serious violent felony if committed by an adult, allows the court to … [Read more...] about Juvenile expungements and firearms matters